"Strong women make waves." Sayings along these lines support a popular, favored notion in the public square today—the belief that women are strong, that women greatly contribute to society. I am among the many who uphold these sentiments, whose heart beats in accord with this anthem of recognition and empowerment. But, I am curious—what is this strength we refer to? And what does true strength mean?
Mother Teresa's Call to Love
10 Saint Francis of Assisi Quotes To Inspire Discipleship
St. Joseph and What the Saints and Popes Have to Say About Him
Dorothy Day And Her Prison Dress
Saint Oscar Romero - 10 Quotes
8 Reasons to Get to Know St. Gianna
St. Gianna was a wife, mother, and doctor. Her name means “God is gracious,” and St. Gianna knew and understood that in a way our world needs these days. The more I learn about St. Gianna, the more I admire her. Here are the top 8 reasons why I ask for this holy woman’s intercession...
Happy Birthday, Flannery!
Imaginative Prayer
How To Find Time to Pray - From a Mom of 13!
In this blog entry I’m going to address the issue of “how do you find time to pray?” For as long as I’ve been a mother, I have heard “wake up earlier than your children and you will find quiet time.” This has never worked for me.
An Imperfect Guide to Seeking Perfect Prayer
My Nightly Situational Prayer
This may sound a little odd but when I wake to care for my children in the middle of the night I say a prayer for their future Mothers-in-Law.
Here’s why.